Evaluation of the IPA-IPA CBC program – invitation to participate in the survey

As part of the mid-term evaluation of cross-border cooperation programs among the beneficiary countries of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA 2014-2020), a survey among applicants, beneficiaries and local authorities is underway. The client of the evaluation is the European Commission (DG NEAR). If you belong to one of the mentioned categories, you have the opportunity to share your experiences related to cross-border cooperation programs and thus contribute to the assessment of cross-border cooperation programs, make recommendations for improvements and support the development of future cross-border cooperation programs in the next multiannual funding framework 2021-2027 (IPA III). Please complete one of the questionnaires below depending on whether you belong to the category of grant beneficiaries, applicants or local authorities. Questionnaires are available at the following links:

A questionaire for grant beneficiaries

A questionaire for applicants

A questionaire for local authorities