About the Programme

The IPA III CBC Programme Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro 2021–2027 is a territorial cooperation Programme, continuing from a previous exercises carried out in the financial perspectives 2007–2013 and 2014-2020. The Programme area covers 30,022 km². The Programme area in Bosnia and Herzegovina consists of 56 municipalities while the Programme area in Montenegro consists of 14 municipalities. The overall Programme objective is: To promote good neighbourly relations, foster Union integration and contribute to social, economic and territorial development of the programme cross-border area by addressing climate change challenges and developing sustainable nature-and-culture tourism. This objective has been translated into the following thematic priorities:

TP1: Protecting the environment, promoting climate change adaptation and mitigation, risk prevention and management.

Within the Thematic priority 1 the capacity of authorities and emergency services will be enhanced to manage natural and manmade disaster risks. It is expected that partnerships will increase knowledge and competence, develop systems and tools, test or demonstrate practical local solutions/protection measures that will help reduce risks and allow for transboundary cooperation in case of substantial emergencies.

TP2: Encouraging tourism and cultural and natural heritage.

Within this Thematic priority local actors will be mobilised and supported to jointly diversify, upgrade or develop innovative, unique, authentic sustainable tourist products, which build on or complement the natural and cultural heritage, promote local traditions and activate local resources, including key underutilised resources among the local population, such as women, youth or other vulnerable groups, in new and sustainable ways. Local tourist products and services will be integrated across the border along specific commonly identified themes or products (e.g., cross-border cultural and heritage routes, hiking, biking, national and nature parks, regional food).

The selected thematic priorities are intended to create synergies with regional priorities of the Western Balkan Common Regional Market Plan and its Action Plan. The initiative is structured around freedom of movement of goods, services, capital and people.

This programme is coherent with the objectives and thematic priorities of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region (EUSAIR) and/or the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR), their embedding processes and flagship projects.

The total IPA funding for Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro Programme 2021-2027 is EUR 8’400’000, at least EUR 7’560’000 of which will be allocated to CBC operations.

The IPA II CBC Programme Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro 2014–2020 is a territorial cooperation Programme, continuing from a previous exercise carried out in the financial perspective 2007–2013. The Programme area covers 30,367.33 km². The Programme area in Bosnia and Herzegovina consists of 56 municipalities while the Programme area in Montenegro consists of 14 municipalities. The overall Programme objective is: The sustainable development in the cross-border area between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro is promoted by the implementation of common actions based on an efficient use of the comparative advantages of the Programme area. This objective has been translated into the following thematic priorities: –

  • TP1: Promoting employment, labour mobility and social and cultural inclusion across the border;
  • TP2: Protecting the environment, promoting climate change adaptation and mitigation, risk prevention and management;
  • TP3: Encouraging tourism and cultural and natural heritage.

The programme will thus contribute to achieving the goal of the South-East European 2020 (SEE 2020) and Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable, inclusive and integrated growth and to the achievement of economic, social and territorial cohesion.

The total IPA funding for Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro Programme 2014-2020 is EUR 8’400’000, at least EUR 7’560’000 of which will be allocated to CBC operations.

More about the Programme you can find from the following link: CBC BiH-MNE.