Cross-Border Structures (CBCSs)
The implementation of the Cross-border Cooperation Programme is operated through Cross-Border Structures (CBCSs), which have been established in both participating countries in accordance with the Regulation on the implementation of IPA III. CBCSs are tasked for preparation and implementation of the JMC’ strategic decisions, while supporting its work, establishment and maintenance of a monitoring system, and drawing up annual and final implementation reports.
The cross-border structures closely co-operate on tasks of mutual interest, while ensuring membership and participation in the JMC and in the bilateral meetings.

Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Directorate for European Integration
- of the BiH Council of Ministers
- Đoke Mazalića 5
- 71000 Sarajevo

- Office of the Prime Minister
- Ministry of European Affairs
- Bulevar revolucije, 15
- 81000 Podgorica
Joint Monitoring Committee (JMC)
JMC is a decision-making body of the CBC Programme and it consists of representatives from the national, regional and local level of the beneficiary countries, including representatives of the operating structures, and socio-economic stakeholders in the eligible area.
JMC is responsible, inter alia, for identifying the thematic priorities, specific objectives, target beneficiaries and specific focus of each call for proposals which shall be endorsed by the Commission. It examines and provides advisory opinion on the list of operations selected through calls for proposals before the grant award decision. JMC also reviews the progress made in relation to achieving the specific objectives, expected results and targets per thematic priority as set out in the Programme. Whenever needed, JMC can make proposals to amend the CBC programme, to ensure the achievement of the objectives and enhance the efficiency effectiveness, impact and sustainability of the IPA III assistance. The JMC can also make recommendations as to how to improve the implementation of the cross-border cooperation programme.
The JMC meets at least twice a year, at the initiative of the participating countries or of the EU Delegation and is chaired by a representative of one of the participating countries. The European Union delegation participates in the JMC in advisory capacity.
Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS)
JTS provides administrative and technical support to the day-to-day Programme management.
JTS is located in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and have an Antenna office in Nikšić, Montenegro.
Contracting Authority
The Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina acts as Contracting Authority for the CBC Programme BiH-MNE 2021-2027 as per programme implementation modes of the Commission Implementing Regulation.