All potential applicants of the 2nd Call for Proposals under the IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro 2014-2020 are invited to participate in the Capacity building programme on Project development and concept note preparation.

With the purpose of supporting potential applicants in the development of their project ideas and concept notes for Calls for Proposals of the IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro 2014-2020 (IPA CBC BiH-MNE 2014-2020), the Directorate for European Integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Office for European Integration of Montenegro, invite all interested organisations/institutions to register for participation in the capacity building programme on project development and concept note preparation.

The capacity building programme will be implemented in both Programme countries through a series of 2-day workshops from late September through mid-October 2018. The agenda with dates and locations will be available at the IPA CBC BiH-MNE website (, in the first week of September.

The criteria for participation in this programme cycle is relevance of the planned project idea and applicant organisations/institutions to the Programme Document and to the Thematic Priorities of the 2nd CfPs. The number of participants is limited therefore first-come first-served principle in addition to the relevance of applications will be applied in selecting the programme participants.

The programme is provided by the Technical Assistance funds and no admission fee is requested. Please be informed that the organiser will cover the accommodation expenses, while the travel expenses will have to be provided for by participants.

In order to register for the capacity building programme, please submit the completed application form available at the following link, no later than 09/09/2018. All applicants will be informed about the status of their applications by 17/09/2018. For any inquiries, please contact