Third Call for proposals announced

Cross-border Programme Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro (2014-2020)

Publication reference: EuropeAid/170435/DD/ACT/BA

The Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina is seeking proposals for the “Cross-border Programme Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro 2014-2020, 3rd Call for Proposals” with financial assistance from the IPA allocations for this Programme.

The full Guidelines for Applicants and other documentation are available for consultation on the following internet sites:


To apply to this call for proposals, organizations must register in PADOR accessible via the website: en and submit their application in PROSPECT, available on:;

following the instructions given in the PROSPECT user manual.

The deadline for submission of proposals is 09/02/2021 at 16:00 (Brussels date and time)

An information session on this call for proposals will be held online on 12th January 2021 at 11:00.

Operating Structures of the Programme from both participating countries have taken the information on their websites:

DEI | Third Call for Proposals within the IPA II Cross-border Cooperation Programme Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro 2014 – 2020 launched

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